St Peter's and St Francis'

Sharing our Experience of God's Love


I wonder who works in your classroom? Is there one teacher or two? Is there a classroom 1assistant? Think about who else works in your school … the office staff, the lunchtime supervisors, the site manager … oh … and don’t forget the Headteacher!

You’re going to need a piece of paper, some scissors and some colouring pencils for today’s prayer activity.

2Once you’ve folded your paper, on the top rectangle draw half a person. Make sure the arm reaches all the way to the edge of the paper.


Then, with the paper still folded, cut around your pencil lines. Make sure you don’t cut around the end of the arm!


Finally, unfold your people and you should find they’re all holding hands.

Now you’ve got your chain of people – think about the staff at your school – write the names of your teachers or other members of staff on your paper people. While you’re writing their names, and maybe colouring them in too, say thank you to God for each of them and ask God to help them to be the best teacher they can be


A Prayer

Lord Jesus, in welcoming small children into your presence an enjoying their company, you teach us that we can only access your Kingdom in childlike trust and obedience. We ask your blessing on all of our pupils in this parish and borough, as they prepare to return after half term to a partial timetable.


Bless all teachers and staff members as they create a safe and welcoming Teachersenvironment. Bless all parents, especially those who may feel especially anxious or concerned. Bless all pupils for whom the past weeks of lockdown have been especially difficult, and for whom returning to school is a sign of hope and security. Bless and heal any family which has gone through an experience of bereavement or severe illness.


In restored friendships give them joy;

in renewed learning give them hope;

in shared community help them to find strength.


And may we all, young and old, continue to learn of you through this experience, that your healing, hope and peace may fill and sustain us as this journey continues, with Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
