St Peter's and St Francis'

Sharing our Experience of God's Love

2 - 5 Friends

Pray for five people to come to God

Can you think of five people - friends or family - who are a bit lost at the moment? People who do not have a purpose. People who felt isolated even before lockdown. Write down their names5 People so you can focus on each in turn. The reasons they have no purpose and the reasons they feel isolated will be different for each of them, so focus on each in turn thinking about why they are a bit lost. 

Pray for God to come to help them.

Pray for the strength to be God's agent in helping them find a purpose and a sense of belonging.

Happy People

A wise old priest once told me "If you work like it all depends on you, and pray like it all depends on the Almighty, it usually works out". Pray for your five friends or family, but also pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you with inspiration to know how to help these people. 

Keep praying - it may not work first time.
